Tue. Jan 14th, 2025

SINA GERARD Enterprise Urwibutso celebrates 30th anniversary

Dr. SINA GERARD and wife (Centre) PHOTO/Eric Nzabirinda

By George Kalisa

Dr. SINA GERARD said September 30th that he is glad to testify that many achievements have been registered during the 30-year journey of SINA GERARD Enterprise Urwibutso, Rwanda’s leading Agribusiness whose flagship products include Akandi natural mineral water, Akarusho wines, Akabanga, Akanoze, SINA Natural Honey, AKA Mayonnaise, Akarabo, Agashya and yoghurt.   

Rwanda’s millionaire stressed that he was categorically happy and appreciative for the unswerving partnership with the Rwandan people his businesses have enjoyed during the journey, citing Rwandan youths from across the country that receive knowledge and skills before they get employment in the Nyirangarama Processing plant.

“I’m happy to say that during the 30-year journey, SINA GERARD Enterprise Urwibutso has registered immense gains. For instance, many Rwandan young people from all the districts of Rwanda have received education and invaluable skills through Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) from Collage Fondation SINA GERARD,” said Dr. SINA.

“Workers, also, come from all the districts is another important aspect in the area of job creation among the Rwandan society we’re celebrating today, and the collaboration between SINA GERARD Enterprise Urwibutso and officials from particularly the Agriculture sector – agronomists and Agricultural extension officers is strongly recognized,” added Dr. SINA.

Dr. SINA GERARD made the remarks while addressing the media during the 30th anniversary celebrations of SINA GERARD Enterprise Urwibutso at the gardens at the peak of Mt. Tare in Nyirangarama, Rulindo District, north of Rwanda.   

Earlier in the day, the employees had told the press that they experienced an enabling working environment and cooperation with the Agribusiness firm that Dr. SINA started in 2003.  

Dr. SINA GERARD flanked with wife, children and friends leading the cake cutting ceremony on Saturday (PHOTO/Eric Nzabirinda)

The Northern Province based millionaire said that he jubilated together with Rwandans emphasizing that the services his Company provided during the last 30 years benefit people from all corners of Rwanda.

Students from all districts seek education from Collage Fondation SINA GERARD alongside the cooperation of partners in Agriculture. “I constructed CHAPELLE St. GERARD with a burning passion of contributing to creating a complete person who later become productive and responsible citizens of our country. This was after a realization that uplifting the wellbeing of Rwandans through job creation and philanthropy programmes was insufficient in itself in my efforts to produce Rwandans that are capable of propelling the economic development of the country,” said Dr. SINA


CELEBRATIONS IN PICTURES (All photos by Eric Nzabirinda)

Dr. SINA and wife (Left) at the peak of the celebration s last Saturday (PHOTO/Eric Nzabirinda)

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