PM appoints new Kigali Districts’ leaders under new law

Rwanda’s Prime Minister, Dr. Edouard Ngirente has today appointed Emmy NGABONZIZA, Solange UMUTESI and Pauline UMWALI as District Executive Administrators for Nyarugenge, Kicukiro and Gasabo districts respectively. They have replaced the Kigali District Mayors.
The new administration structures of the city of Kigali align well with the new law adopted last July which stipulates the administration of Kigali.
Esperance NSHUTIRAGUMA is now the new Deputy District Executive Administrator of Nyarugenge District while Adalbert RUKEBANUKA and Regis MUDAHERANWA go to Kicukiro and Gasabo Districts to serve in a similar office.
The Premier made other appointments including City Manager which RUGAZA Julian will occupy from now.
Marie Solange MUHIRWA has been appointed the new Chief of Urban Planning and Jean RUBANGUTSANGABO the Urban Economist.